Sunday, May 11, 2008

Flaming Lunch

I went to pick up some lunch on Sunday. The young lad who helped when I arrived never fails to make me smile. He is FLAMINGLY gay, in fact I think, judging by his manner and mode of dress, he flaunts it. And good on him for doing so and being true to who he is!

He had his hair all pushed up so that it stood flamboyantly up from the top of his head. The top (tips) dyed platinum and the base ebony black. I'm pretty sure he had a light lining of black along his lower lids, although he could have just been blessed with that "look" I'm not 100% sure. He is so gregarious in his greetings and general conversation. Animated and lively, hands gesturing wildly as he talks.

His dress today comprised of a shimmering black/grey/white billowy blouse type shirt and a pair of snug, buttock hugging polyester pants. His belt accentuating his boy hips, well actually, he has more of a girlish figure on the bottom half than a lot of women do these days. Frankly, I'm a bit jealous, he has a very tight ass, perfectly heart shaped that blend into legs any woman would kill for. Top the outfit off with some lovely low heeled boots that I am sure only served to exaggerate the sway of his hips when he glided to the kitchen, he truly glided, any catwalk would be proud to host his presence. He doesn't walk, or just merely glide, the boy sashays!

His skin flawless, teeth perfectly white showcased by his enormous smile. A sedate metallic blue half loop adorned his left ear and a couple of silver rings took up residence on his slender fingers. George Costanza's hands would have been put to shame by the set this particular lad has been blessed with.

I don't really know why I felt the need to blog about this. Other than he makes me smile everytime I go in there. He truly enjoys what he does. Most importantly he is uber comfortable with who he is, he has his own sense of style and he wears it well! His place of employ should count their lucky stars that he works there, he only adds to the ambiance.

Some days it doesn't take much to amuse me, or to take up residence in my head.

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