What is it you ask...well just feast your eyes on this bad boy:

I also picked up a 55-200 lens and my next need want is a macro lens.
I have been driving my kids nuts following them around taking photos...
This child didn't mind having her photo taken .....repeatedly, in fact she was more than happy to pose for me; well, sometimes she was snapped without her knowledge:

Then there is this child:


When she smiles she is stunning!
And sometimes....
Even our cat Charlie got into the game...

I believe the cat is rolling his eyes at me...get used to it Charlie!!! I'll be a snapping fool!!
I took my new toy to Calgary when we attended our friend's baby's first birthday party, which turned out to be very fortuitous as their camera decided not to work. I snapped over 150 photos of that sweet baby .... overkill you only turn ONE once.
Besides, tell me you could have resisted this:
or this...
Happy Birthday Sweet AL, you future Diva you!!!
I foresee many, MANY hours playing with my new toy. I am so excited!
I LOVE my digital camera! Congrats on your new purchase. You have some great shots there.
Thanks Mandy. I had a digital point and shoot, but I'm really REALLY liking the dSLR.
I really enjoy the flexibility and range it offers. I can't wait to get a macro lens for it!!
The difference between me & Jenn:
Her drooling dreams include dSLRs and Jon Rhys-Meyers. Mine only involve dSLRs.
Doesn't have to be Jon Rhys-Meyers...any six-pack ab'ed, SHMM (Sexy Hunka Man Meat) will do *wink*
Six pack? I have a full keg!
That second last photo is just adorable:-)
Thanks for the link in your sidebar:-)
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